
Online Courses

Empower Your Journey online & within

When we become moms, we activate our super hero, no doubt. BUT … we also activate the not-so-good-bits we’ve been hiding from! We don’t want to pass on our traumas, generational issues or limiting beliefs, so what do we do?

We heal.

We grow.

We thrive. 

And we are ALLOWED more!!!!!!!

Being a mom is not our ONLY identity.

Mini Course

Rediscover You In Motherhood

A messy but beautiful time needs grace and understanding.

Total value $571

5 x Coaching videos
1 x Workbook
1 x Hypnotherapy audio
2 x Meditation audios
Take Me There!


Moving Forward With Confidence

We didn't lack confidence as babies .... so what happened?

Total value $241

1 x Coaching video
1 x Workbook
1 x Hypnotherapy audio
Coming Soon!
Taniel Strydom


I'm Taniel

In 2018, I was working in a contract job for an incredibly toxic company. I found out I was pregnant with twins, had a 3 year old, was diagnosed with clinical depression, had been self medicating by drinking (a LOT) every night, was in a terrible place in my marriage, financially unstable, very poor health and mental health and felt like a total failure. Every single aspect of my life felt broken. And now I was going to be a mom again … of twins. Anxiety, overwhelm, identity loss and grief (again!), lack of confidence, perfectionism, procrastination, mom guilt to name a few, controlled my life. Every decision was wrong. Every word I said was wrong. Everything was just wrong. I was out of alignment. I was in a dark place. So, I opened up my laptop, jumped onto every personal development podcast, course and webinar I could and spent the next few years healing, learning and testing everything I found.

Why My Courses ?

I know exactly what you're going through

The mess, chaos, wonder and beauty of motherhood, building a business, running a household and being all things to everyone …. 

I care!

No one is left behind or alone... I am always available to support.

I've done the work

Transformation Life & Professional coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT & School of Life!

Anytime, Anywhere

Accessible to you on your terms, timeline & control.

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